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no title@SNOWKING 2006/02/17(Fri) 23:13 No.118  
Are you currently playing any other games? Digital camera thing isnt working too well...but ill keep trying lol. Did you try any of the 1080 levels? Im actually playing a little Mario Kart DS right now...great game! Which levels which you like to have videos for( that is if i can make them...stupid camera lol)?

Re: no title@sage327 - 2006/02/23(Thu) 18:26 No.120  

I read your e-mail just now. Sorry but I have not playing 1080 Avalanche for a long time, because MKDS rocks! My MKDS friend code will be sent for you, and I hope we will have an exciting battle!

no title@SNOWKING 2006/01/12(Thu) 11:21 No.97  
Leave my evolution Riff time a lone! LOL! I have one gold in 1080...let me keep it.. haha! Na im just playin! Im sure youll beat it! However..im going to fight you for this gold! I kept trying to beat your Revolution Cliff time...and I WAS DOING AMAZING!!!!!!! With my strategy i was one second ahead of your time just before you jump into the little ski place..however.. i messed up the jump! oh well... Im actually playing Resident Evil 4 now! Too many cheaters on Ocarina of Time. Also...i lowered my time in Tenderfoot Pass to 41.36..however no point to put it down since ill still be third! But i might....

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/17(Tue) 02:52 No.99  

I emailed you on cyberscore asking for a rotten ridge video..not sure if you got it? My best time in Rotten Ridge is 1:01.06! Its such an awesome level! You havent replied in awhile..so???

Re: no title@sage327 - 2006/01/20(Fri) 08:37 No.101  

I dont have to send my rotted ridge vid for you cuz your record is already faster than mine. Great job, keep your best:)

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/20(Fri) 23:10 No.102  

I sent you that request..before i got 59! I know i can still beat it....but im very happy! What do you think? Do you think its a good time? Im playing Tree Top Trauma now.. so lets see if i can get close to ur time.

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/26(Thu) 06:51 No.104  

Well..im playing Grits and Gravy now! My best time is 49.93..however i have not submitted yet since im really trying to beat 49.80 by Turtle7. My brother tied your time in Grits and Gravy. My brother and I were playing to see who could get the best time this past weekend...and he got the best time, which was your best time! However, yesterday i got a 49.93 and my other two records beat his to. I been trying to beat 49.80 but its very hard and very fast...

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/26(Thu) 11:23 No.105  

Also...is there any way to get in touch with other 1080 Avalanche players??

Re: no title@sage327 - 2006/01/27(Fri) 20:36 No.106  

I think that 49.93 on Grits N' Gravy is really fast, try to beat the world record 49"40! I want to run after you but MKDS prevent me from doing so...

It seems that there are only two 1080 Avalanche players in the world now, you and your bro. It may be natural since this game was released two years ago.

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/28(Sat) 10:30 No.108  

WOW...49.40 is an amazing time! Who set that world record!! Is there a certain site you can tell me which has other records or other players. Also...is my Rotted Ridge time (59.61) a world record? Well ill be waiting for you to come back to 1080 Avalanche....so hurry up. You are the best player out there!!!

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/29(Sun) 09:31 No.109  

Can u send me your frosty shadows run again...for some reason it got deleted when i saved.

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/01/29(Sun) 15:10 No.110  

Also...i hoped you noticed that i broke 46 for ski school!!!

Re: no title@sage327 - 2006/02/04(Sat) 22:49 No.112  

It seems that all records on cyberscore are world ones except Grits N' Gravy and 3 trick scores. Btw I tried to beat your Tree Top Trauma record, but failed lol you are really fast! I wish you could make vids haha.
And congrats for Ski School, you have just done a great work!

OK, Frosty Shadow vid uploaded. I strongly hope you will save it.

Re: no title@SNOWKING - 2006/02/05(Sun) 01:54 No.114  

My Top Tree MAMA is actually faster then my Tree Top Trauma record..lol! You have helped me a lot in 1080 Avalanche and for that i thank you very much! I will try my best to make a video for Tree Top Trauma and Rotted Ridge( if you need one for Rotted Rigde). I think my friend may be able to help me on making videos sinc he has a digital camera ( however it will be low quality). I actually just recently bought a digital camera but it seems that my computer is not powerful enough to upload the program and the images itself :(
It will probably take awhile, sorry. Anyways, i hope you return to 1080 Avalanche, your records motivate me so much! Again, thank you sage for everything!!!

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- KENT -